d. How to Pass Credit Card service fees (or not) to families
On TUIO, you are given the option to either:
- pass on the service fees to families, so that they are responsible for covering the costs of processing and accepting credit cards as a payment method
- or absorb the fees, so parents are not responsible for covering the costs but you are
- or a split between the two aforementioned options (pass on/absorb)
Thus there is plenty of flexibility with regards to these service fee costs for credit card usage. You could even break it down by program - perhaps with Tuition programs you choose to pass on the fees to parents, but for a one-time incidental type of program you could choose to absorb them.
Parent Service Fee Checkbox
This choice is executed easily by checking or unchecking the Parent Service Fee box on any given program profile. Checking it means you are paying the fee, while unchecking it means that parents will see an additional service fee - to cover credit card payments - as a line item on their invoices.
One thing to keep in mind is that this setting only affects students who have yet to confirm their payment plan and payment method. In other words, changing this setting won't apply retroactively to active students already enrolled under a given payment plan, since that would surprise the families who agreed to different terms during their payment setup. However, every new student enrolled from that point on will be subject to the new setting.
If you don't want to have to remember to check or uncheck this box in the program profile, you can apply this setting to a default state for whenever a new program is created. This setting essentially makes sure that the box is checked or unchecked upon each program creation; that being said, the global default setting can always be overridden at the program level for specific situations.
In the 'Transaction Fees' tab of your Organization Settings under Organization Experience, you can find the Global default setting for what you want the default state to be upon creating a new program.
As always if you need help understanding the nuance of any of these features, or need extra clarification, do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] with your questions or concerns.