b. How to Set Payment Plan, Apply a Discount or Custom Pricing

Now that you have created your discounts, let's see how you can apply them to any given students' enrollments. We will also detail how to customize the price of invoices for given students.

Apply a Discount

Assuming that you have already set up your discount(s), there are a couple of different ways to apply a discount to a student (or to several students) in TUIO.

Apply a discount to one student:

  1. Go to your Enrollments tab and click on any student not yet enrolled into a payment plan. On the next screen, you will be able to click Set Payment Plan & Discount.

  2. On the next screen after that, select the discount you would like to apply to the student, then click either Update & Notify Parents if you would like to send them a notification to enroll right away, or just click Update if you would like to keep working prior to notifying these parents. This will save the discount you've applied to the student, but no email notification will be sent yet.

Another way to get to the same set of screens is to click the 3 dots to the right of a student and click Set Payment Plan & Discount. The remaining steps are identical.

Apply a discount to several students at once:

Select multiple student boxes on the Enrollments tab and click the Actions button that pops up at the bottom of the screen to select the Set Payment Plan & Discount option.

The ensuing steps are the same as before when you were applying a discount to only one student.

Apply Custom Pricing

If you pick a payment plan on behalf of your parents to enroll them into it, you will be able to customize their invoice amounts, due dates, and even add invoices that were not initially part of the payment plan you applied to them. This comes in handy when you want to give a family a price or a payment structure that falls outside of your discount options, but without recreating a program or payment plan just for them. Just as with the discounts, you are able to do this for one or several students at once, if they all fall into the same bucket.

To get started, return to the student Enrollment screen that you can access by clicking a student enrollment, clicking the 3 dots on a student row or by bulk selecting several students, then click on Set Payment Plan & Discount as shown in the previous section in this article. Once there, select a given payment plan and click Next.

The next screen will show you the schedule of invoices according to how the payment plan was set up. However, you have a couple of different options to customize this schedule, such as:

  1. Adding a new payment
  2. Deleting a payment
  3. Clicking on any given scheduled payment to edit the price, due date, invoice text, or to mark it as already paid

This editing and deleting can also be done in bulk! Before moving on to these different options it's worth mentioning that, if everything looks good, you can also also click Update and Notify Parents or just Update if you don't want to notify parents yet.

Adding a new payment

When clicking Add Payment, you will get prompted to fill out the following fields:

  • Name: this is the name of your invoice, e.g. 'October partial invoice', 'Deposit', 'New Student Fee', etc.
  • Line Item Detail [optional]: fill out this field if you want a particular bit of text displayed on the parent's invoice e.g. 'for after care services rendered 13th, 14th, 15th of September'.
  • Issue timing: decide whether this invoice will be due right away upon enrollment in the plan or at a future date that can be specified.
  • Price: set the price of this invoice.
  • Payment Status: if this invoice has already been paid outside of TUIO and you are creating it just for record-keeping purposes, check the box 'Marked as paid via Cash or Cheque'.
  • Discount: None or apply a custom discount for this specific invoice by entering the discount name and $ amount.

Deleting a payment

You can delete one or several invoices by clicking the 3 dots on the line of the invoice or choosing invoices and the bulk action-'Delete'.

Editing an existing payment

If you would like to edit an invoice already in the schedule, click on the hyperlinked invoice name in green. This will let you edit all the fields already mentioned in point 1. "Adding a new payment".

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