How to Add an International Credit Card

When you are setting up an international credit card as a parent payment method on TUIO it might seem confusing as you are entering the billing information. What do you enter in the field for 'Province/State' if the billing address for the card is not a North American address? Keep reading and you'll see that this field is highly flexible as you can enter any text into it.

When you go to set up payment, make sure you select the right Currency, and choose Credit Card as the payment method type, of course! Then click Continue.

Now as you are entering the card information you will eventually come across the required field for Province/State. If you select the dropdown menu you will only see Canadian provinces and US states as options. However, you can type in any text into the field and click the 'Just Use ___' prompt to have the text filled into the field.

If there is no state/province/district that applies for the address then you can enter 'None' or 'N/A' into the field.

If you are having any difficulty, contact [email protected] for help.

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