f. How to Record a Cheque or Cash Payment

While your goal should be to have 100% of your parents pay through TUIO via bank account or credit card, there may be cases where your customers will bring you a physical payment to settle an invoice.

Since TUIO will provide the basis for your bookkeeping records, it is important that you reflect those offline payments onto the platform. Why keep track on paper or in Excel when you can do so on TUIO within a couple of clicks?

How to mark an invoice as 'paid' manually:

  1. In TUIO, click on the Invoices tab on the left hand side of your screen.
  2. Click on the invoice number (left-hand side column) you want to close. if you have a long list of invoices, we advise using the search bar at the top of the screen. You can search by parent or student name, for instance.
  3. On the invoice screen click Mark As Paid.
  4. On the next screen, you will be prompted to select the payment method (select 'Record cash or cheque transaction'). You can also add a note (e.g. "Cheque #532562" or "Paid with cash").
  5. You can choose a Transaction Date. If no date is chosen then the current date will be used.

And you're done!

If you go back to your Invoices tab, you will see that the invoice now appears as 'Paid'. The parent associated with the account will also have received an email notification that their payment has been received.

Note that you can also do this for several invoices at once by selecting them and then using the ACTIONS tool.

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