c. Select a Payment Plan on Behalf of Parent

As indicated in this article, once parents are notified of a student enrollment, they will be automatically enrolled into a 'default' payment plan 7 days after the notification. However, if you only offer 1 payment plan or you already know what a specific parent wants, you can make this decision on their behalf.

Locate Parents Who Have No Plan Selected
Unless you specifically know what parent/student you are looking for (in which case you should just type their name in the search bar), you can easily view the families who don't have a payment plan currently selected.

To do this, all you have to do is to look in the Enrollments tab for anyone who has a blank Payment Plan.

Make The Payment Plan Selection

Once you have identified the families concerned, you can make the selection on their behalf, one by one or in bulk. 

Note that you can only make the selection in bulk for students enrolled in the same program. For this reason, you may also want to filter by program prior to selecting the payment plan.

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