h. Has an Invoice Processed?
If you would like to know if an invoice has processed, the best way to proceed is to first go to your Invoices tab and then look up by invoice number, student or parent name. If you look by invoice number you will be sure to have the correct invoice. If you look up by name, make sure you are looking at the correct invoice by checking the date.
Checking Invoice Status
Once you find the invoice, the first column to look at to find out if it has processed is the Status column. A few statuses are possible:
- Paid - the invoice has a successful paid transaction
- Pending Payment - unpaid, either because it is not due yet, or because it is due and unpaid
- Processing but with the label 'Payment in Progress' below - a bank account transaction is in progress, it will be confirmed as Paid once it is established that it has not bounced back
- Refunded - the invoice has been fully refunded
- Partially Refunded - the invoice has been refunded for a partial amount
- Pending Approval - terms of the invoice have changed after the parent had already approved them for payment, so a new approval is required
- Declined - parent has declined the proposed invoice change(s)
- Payment Failed - the payment failed either because the bank info is incorrect, the card has failed, or the payment came back NSF. Note that an invoice can be in 'Payment Failed' status but have a 'Payment in Progress' label just below, meaning the last known status was 'Payment Failed' but a new transaction has since been initiated. If you want to know why a transaction has failed, see this article
- Returned - the bank account payment failed in the late stages and the funds have had to be returned from your bank
- Chargedback - the credit card payment has been charged back by the parent: accidentally or on purpose. Chargebacks can be reversed through a formal dispute process, so make sure you have the proper documentation handy
In the example below you can see that, based on the Status column, the invoice is in the process of being paid by bank account. When payment completes, the status will update to 'Paid'. If the payment fails, the status will revert to 'Payment Failed'.
And if you want to be certain about the payment method used for the invoice, or you just want more granular information, click the invoice name in order to find out more information.
This screen confirms that the payment method used is a bank account, and provides the last 4 digits for reference purposes. It also tells you when the payment was initiated - Nov. 4th, in this case.
Finally, the Transactions tab at the top of the screen allows you to review the transactions history. This can be handy sometimes in order to see the activity of the parent. For example, you might see 2 failed transactions by bank account, followed by the parent fixing the bank account information, with the transaction now 'Processing' in progress.