l. Navigating the Student Profile Folder
The student profile has been upgraded to provide access to all items associated with the student, in a convenient digital folder.
You can click on a student name to view their student profile. If you need to look up a student first, you can search for them on the Students tab.
On the student Profile you will find the response information for standard and custom fields that are used in the organization, and there are links to filter for the student's Enrollments, Registrations, and Invoices with each parent who is linked to the student.
There are tabs at the top to filter for the student's registrations and form submissions.
On the Registrations tab of the student folder you can download registration PDFs, view form responses, apply registration statuses, and manage the student's registration tags. You can also export the registration data to a spreadsheet.
The Submissions tab of the student's folder lists all form submissions recorded for the student. You can download form submissions, view the form submissions, and mark them as reviewed. If there are forms that haven't been submitted for the student yet you can filter for Status>Pending to view them. You can also export the Forms data to a spreadsheet.
The Registrations and Submissions are also accessible from the Registrations and Forms tabs, respectively, or from the profile of the parent associated with the student. There are multiple ways to navigate the system, and you can choose the option that works best!