How to Accept Registrations
Whether it's off of a registration form that is 'Pending Review' or 'Wait Listed' status, you can accept Registrations individually or in bulk using the 'Enroll' feature on TUIO in the 'Registrations' tab.
Using Enroll to Accept a Registration
First you may choose to review the registration by clicking the number of the registration. You can view the general information, form details, and invoices related to the registration off of the form.
When you are ready to accept the registration, click the 3 vertical dot menu and then click Enroll.
Here is where you have the option to customize the message sent to the parent, or you can leave it blank to send the standard system notification. If you don't want the parent to be notified or have any message sent, deselect the box for 'Notify parent'.
When you are ready to accept their registration and invite them to enroll on TUIO, click ENROLL.
The student is now accepted and enrolled in the Elementary program.
Accepting the Registrations in Bulk
You can select multiple registrations. Here, for example, we select the 3 Wait Listed registrations that are now ready to be enrolled. At the bottom there is the bulk action tool which lists the Enroll option. Click Enroll and choose the payment plan or leave it pending parent selection and update the families.
Now all of the pending and wait listed students are enrolled in the Elementary program they registered for. Keep in mind you can also reject from the wait list or leave it as 'Wait Listed'.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].