How to Build a Waitlist on TUIO
When viewing pending registrations on TUIO in your 'Registrations' tab, you may want to build a waitlist if you are at capacity. You can then enroll students on a first-come-first-served basis or when you are ready to take them off the waitlist, otherwise you can keep them waitlisted.
Building a Waitlist
Click the Registrations tab in your organization's TUIO account and you can see the Status > Pending Review registrations that you may like to add to the waitlist.
You can waitlist an individual registration using the 3 vertical dot menu, or select the checkboxes for the ones you would like to waitlist in bulk.
Click the filter to add a filter for only the registrations with 'Wait Listed' status.
Change the sort direction to Ascending to view the waitlist you created from first to last in terms of registration number or create date (default). In both instances, the waitlist will show you who is the first to submit a registration; useful for managing the waitlist and enrolling them when space is made available.
From here, after building the waitlist, you can enroll the student (if there is space), reject the registration, or leave them on the waitlist. If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].