a. A Few Points About Students in TUIO
Before adding students into the system, it is important for admin users to understand what a student entails in the TUIO platform.
Students and Enrollments
- Each 'student' must be linked to a 'parent'. Parents are the entities with the contact details, emails, etc. Students are just name entries for an enrollment in a program, or a profile for Student Information System (SIS) purposes.
- There is only one point of contact (parent name and email) by paying family.
- Therefore, if the fees for a child come from the same payment method (i.e. both parents are still part of the same household and pay together), TUIO only requires the contact details for one of the two. This can be arbitrarily decided by the admin and changed directly by the family later on.
- In the case of a family where parents are separated and split the bill, or several family members are involved in paying (uncle, aunt, etc.), you will need to add the student to the program as many times as the payments are to be split. If payments are split 2 ways, add the student twice to the same program, each time under a different 'parent'; add the student 3 times if payments are split 3 ways; etc.
- In addition to the above, since in TUIO an 'Enrollment' is just a name entry enrolled into a given program (e.g. tuition fees, daycare fees, field trip fees, etc.), if one of your students is part of several of your programs, then there should be as many enrollments in TUIO as the number of programs the student is in.
- The student profile is viewable and editable from the 'Students' tab in your account - the students tab is available for SIS purposes. Your custom fields will populate in the student profile and can be filled in manually or from a form.
Now that the clarifications are out of the way, go to this article to see how you can easily add students to TUIO.