i. Search Filters of the Enrollments Tab
Search Filters - Enrollments
The search filters of the Enrollments Tab - which can be accessed by clicking on the FILTERS button - allow you to look up students by different criteria.
Program Group: show students in a specific program group.
Program: show students in a single program.
- Payment Plan: Once you select a Program you can also select a specific payment plan to filter within that program. There is also a 'None' option for enrollments with no payment plan.
Parent notified: allows you to filter by parents who have or have not been notified about a given enrollment.
Parent account status: Invited status parents are not yet active on TUIO, so you can filter for those enrollments to target the parents by resending the activation email. Active status parents who are not yet set up for payment can be sent a reminder for this.
Payment method: lets you filter for the student enrollments that are set up to be paid by i) bank account ii) credit card iii) neither (select 'none').
Discounts: select specific organization discounts to filter for enrollments that have the specific discount(s) applied.
Show Discounted: check this box if you want to show only enrollments that have a discount
Show Archived: check this box if you want to filter by archived students
Show Deleted: check this box if you want to filter by deleted students