c. How to Add Students Manually One at a Time

Adding Students Individually 

Once you have created a program, go to the 'Programs' tab and click on the program you want to add students to. On the program's profile, click Add Student.

On the next screen, you will be asked to create a new student. You can type their first or last name and the parent email, if the email is new, click 'create parent' in the bubble that pops up.

Once that's done, click either Create, or Create & Enroll if you want to make any payment plan choice on behalf of the parent, assign a discount to the student, or enter a custom price. If you are not sure, just click Create for now, as you can do the rest later if you need to.

At this point, the student profile has been created in TUIO and you can view it by going to the 'Students' tab and searching for it in the search bar. 

Note that, by default, adding a student entry to the system does not automatically notify the parent; that is done in a separate step from the 'Enrollments' tab. This is by design so that your parents do not get an email notification when you may still be in the planning stages for your programming.

Another way to add a student is directly from the 'Students' tab, where you can click on Create Student in the top right-hand corner of the screen. The next steps are identical to what was described in the previous section.

Note: create the program(s) you want to enroll students into before attempting to add students to it. If you haven't created a program yet, see this article to see how it's done.

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