d. Archive vs. Delete and Restore Students
In TUIO, there are 2 options available for removing a Student.
Archive Students
If one of your students has left or changed programs, you should be archiving the student enrollment in TUIO. Archiving student enrollments is recommended as it keep your 'Enrollments' tab clean and current - and, by extension, your parents' tabs as well.
It also forces you to be disciplined with your outstanding invoices, as archiving a student will require you to review and delete all of their outstanding (unpaid) invoices before proceeding. It is recommended that you 'View Open Invoices' and make sure that they're all safe to be deleted before proceeding with Deleting Invoices & Archiving the student. If you find open invoices that should be paid, follow up with the parents (and/or use the ' Remind Parent' feature), collect payments, and - once these cases are resolved - archive the Student enrollment.
To archive a student, go to the Enrollments tab, click the 3 dots to the right of the enrollment(s), then click 'Archive'. Again, you will be prompted to delete all outstanding invoices before completing the archive process.
Note that archiving a student does not delete any Paid invoices, as these are kept for record-keeping purposes.
Delete Students
So, in what case(s) would you delete a student? Simply put, when there is not anything regarding that student's invoices that you would like to keep. Deleting a student will require you to delete all the invoices associated with it, and it's not possible to delete a student that has 'Paid' invoices associated to it - if these invoices are paid and kept for record keeping, then you should archive the student instead. A good example of a scenario where deleting a student makes sense is when a family withdraws without having paid anything on TUIO.
To restore a deleted or archived student enrollment, click the Filters button, check the 'Show Archived' and 'Show Deleted' boxes, and click Search.
Once the student is located, click the 3 dots on the student line and click Unarchive.