How to Process a Parent's Payment Method

You may have a parent with overdue invoices that need to be paid, or perhaps a parent wants to pay an invoice early. Read on to learn how you can process a parent’s payment method in a few easy steps!

Step 1: Find the invoice that needs to be paid

In your Invoices tab, you can search the student’s name to see a list of their invoices. Once you find the invoice that you need to process the payment for, click the invoice name (in green). Now that you have opened the invoice, you will see the Mark As Paid button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Process the payment

Click the Mark As Paid button, select the parent's payment method and click Pay

If no payment method is available to select you may need to link the payment method on the associated enrollment first.

If the payment method selected is a credit card the payment will go through instantly. If it's a bank account, it will show as 'Payment in progress' and reflect as paid on TUIO within a few days.

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